There are days it is hard to find hope. We are in the midst of the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. The time to act is now but those actions — quarantine and self-isolation, event cancellation, hyper focus on cleanliness and distance — cause anxiety, too. Meanwhile online Star Wars fandom has been in a fight for at least two years.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is available for digital purchase (released a fews days early due to the pandemic sending everyone indoors for an indeterminate amount of time). I’ve struggled with this movie. I wanted it to be my favorite of them all. Instead, I’m struggling to reconcile what the movie is with what I hoped it would be. But that struggle is also part of what I love about Star Wars and stories in general. I’m excited to pull at threads. I’m excited to overanalyze costumes and lighting and dialogue. I am excited to force the narrative to work for me. And I’m very excited to craft new vids.
Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.
The Last Jedi
It’s pretty dark right now. There is a lot of uncertainty. A lot of fear. I don’t blame anyone struggling to find hope. But keep looking. Embrace what you love. Don’t be afraid to turn off the news, ignore the twitter feed, and watch Star Wars or whatever it is that will make you feel safe and warm and happy. Work on your to read list. Write a story. Organize your kitchen shelves. Wash your hands! Cuddle your pet. Call your mom. Listen to a podcast. Play in your yard. Paint. Bake cookies. Talk about Star Wars incessantly but follow the guidelines above. Be safe.
May the Force be with us all.
Here is some information about emotional health and self-distancing.