I don’t know about you, but for me the days of the week blend together lately. So to help my brain, or at least entertain it, I to assigned each day a Star Wars character. And because March is Women’s History Month, I assigned each day a Star Wars woman character.
Monday’s child is fair of face.
Monday comes from the Latin dies lunae which means “Moon’s Day.” In many cultures the moon is associated with feminine energy and symbolizes life cycles, duality — the dark and light sides — reflection, transformation, and rebirth.

Sabine Wren, artist and rebel, is a figure of transformation in Star Wars. Both her personal story and her place in the larger saga are related to creation and atonement.
Tuesday’s child is full of grace.
Tuesday or “Tiw’s Day” references Týr, a god from the Norse mythology who is culturally associated with Mars, the roman god of war. These are associated with masculine energy and the call to battle, passion and perseverance.

Jyn Erso is the face of Rogue One, the small group of committed rebels whose sacrifice kicks off the Rebellion’s surge toward victory achieved in the original trilogy.
Wednesday’s child is full of woe.
Wednesday is taken from the Old English Wōdnesdæg, which means the day of Odin. As ‘Allfather” and king of Asgard, Odin is ruler of the Norse gods. He is associated with wisdom, power, story, divination, and magic. Wednesday’s Latin counterpart is dies Mercurii, or day of Mercury, the messenger god.

Leia Organa represents honor and sacrifice throughout the latter six films of the Skywalker saga. She loses everything more than once, but keeps fighting. She is a ruler, a mother, and the foundation of the resistance against the various fascists who wish to rule the galaxy. And her holo-message begins the adventure.
Thursday’s child has far to go.
Thursday translates to “Thor’s Day”. Thor is Odin’s son, the Norse god of thunder and lightning. Thor is the ideal warrior, a knight and defender, and associated with the sky, agriculture, and fertility. Thor’s day corresponds to Latin dies Iovis, “day of Jupiter”. Jupiter has many of the same associations as Thor and is also king of the gods. Both Thor and Jupiter are tasked with building and protecting the future of their society.

Rey is a warrior and a child of legacy and destiny. She wields the power of the sky and journeys back and forth across the galaxy to seek light, dark, love, and truth.
Friday’s child is loving and giving.
Friday is from Frīgedæg, meaning the day of the Anglo-Saxon goddess, Frigg. The Norse name for the planet Venus was Friggjarstjarna, ‘Frigg’s star’, and it is based on the Latin dies Veneris, “Day of Venus”. Frigg is Odin’s wife and queen of the gods. She is associated with love, fertility, motherhood, marriage and the home. Frigg also has the power of prophecy. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty. Both are bearers of light and life.

Padmé Amidala is Queen and leader, wife and mother, sage and martyr. She loves fiercely, deeply and tragically.
Saturday’s child works hard for a living.
Saturday is named for Saturn, the roman god of generation, harvest, and justice. Saturn is Jupiter’s father and is also associated with death and chaos. The Scandinavian Lørdag or Lördag derives from old Norse laugardagr, literally “washing-day”. Saturday is the sabbath, or day of rest, in Judaism.

Shmi is the eldest known Skywalker and raised her son alone. She has a strong sense of morality and taught Anakin to be just and good. Her death flung her son’s soul, and ultimately the entire galaxy, into chaos.
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
In Christianity (for whose culture the poem was written) the sabbath is Sunday or “Sun’s Day”. The sun represents life, energy, clarity, spirit and self. As the “Lord’s Day” or “Son’s Day” it is also associated with piety and with resurrection.

Ahsoka Tano’s story spans generations. She has a strong sense of self and can cross between worlds. Ahsoka is a bright light in darkness and a shadow of the sun.
Days of the Week
Monday’s Child is a nursery rhyme first published in 1838. Its author is unknown. It is a “fortune telling” song similar to astrology, meant to foretell a child’s temperament based on their day of birth.
Do you know the day you were born? Do my assignments line up with how you see yourself?
I hope this helps you remember the days of the week — or is at least a more fun distraction from remembering the days of the week. Stay safe!