Breha and Leia is on semi-permanent hiatus; these episodes are reposted as an archive.
Anika and Kerste discuss how costuming helps tell the story and give insight about a character’s personality and role. We each pick a favorite look and crown our queens of Star Wars fashion on screen and off.
Notes and References
- We would like to point out that in the above featured image Padmé’s dress is color coordinated to her gondola.
- Anika’s Padmé Fashion Project

- Follow Anika on instagram for all her everyday cosplay
- Her Universe (the cozy in the above photos was part of their Clone Wars set!)
- It’s Your Universe by Ashley Eckstein
- Her Universe Fashion Show
Next time on Breha and Leia: our favorite moments in Revenge of the Sith
Duration: 52:38 | Recorded on April 10, 2020