Here are the prompts, Daily Padmé participants, and events for the finals days of May 29-31.
You may answer as many, or as few, as you like and there is no specific format. The prompts are jumping off points and may be considered in universe or meta. Create something new, promote something you’ve previously made, or share a favorite work of someone else’s (with proper credit! Share their post if possible). Post to tumblr, twitter, instagram, ao3, facebook, dreamwidth, youtube, tiktok, your podcast, your website, wherever! There is an AO3 collection available here.
When sharing on social media, tag your posts #PadMay and/or #PadMay2021 Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have, here or on tumblr, twitter, instagram or facebook.
PadMay 2021 Finale Prompt List
Below I’ve listed all the prompts from the first four years by day.
Saturday, May 29
- Afterlife
- Your Favorite costume worn by Padmé Amidala
- Create a chart relating to Padmé Amidala
- Rebellion
Sunday, May 30
- Legacy
- Your Favorite Song on the Official Star Wars Padmé Amidala Playlist
- Create a collage inspired by Padmé Amidala
- Republic
Monday, May 31
The final day of PadMay is always a FREE day to post anything you like celebrating Padmé. I will be posting prompt responses from the whole month on twitter and sharing artwork that didn’t make it into my previous posts on instagram and tumblr. I invite everyone to join in!
PadMay 2021 Finale Daily Padmé List
- May 29: @thewonderladie (tumblr)
- May 30: padme911 (instagram)
- May 31: Finale Community Event