In anticipation of the final season (premiering February 21, 2020) Disney+ created a list of “essential” episodes of the Clone Wars. We list them below for ease and for any curious non-subscribers.
Disney+ 20 Essential Episodes Playlist
- 1.1 Ambush
- 1.5 Rookies
- 2.5 Landing at Point Rain
- 2.6 Weapons Factory
- 2.7 Legacy of Terror
- 2.8 Brain Invaders
- 2.12 The Mandalore Plot
- 2.13 Voyage of Temptation
- 3.2 ARC Troopers
- 4.21 Brothers
- 4.22 Revenge
- 5.6 The Gathering
- 5.1 Revival
- 5.14 Eminence
- 5.15 Shades of Reason
- 5.16 The Lawless
- 5.17 Sabotage
- 5.18 The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
- 5.19 To Catch a Jedi
- 5.20 The Wrong Jedi